Web 2.0 Graphics


Step-By-Step - A Guide to WEB 2.0 Graphics

Anyone who wants to understand Web 2.0 design must first be familiar with what Web 2.0 means. The phrase stands for the supposed second generation of the web that focuses on collaboration and sharing of information among users.

What used to be one-way highways of the old web is now replaced by a community-driven world
of Web 2.0.

The term Web 2.0 was first used in 2004 during the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference. This suggested a change on how developers and users use the web.

Some of the things related to Web 2.0 include blogs, RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, social bookmarking websites and the like.

All of them share the common factors of having interactivity and communication between the website owner
and the visitors, as well as among the visitors themselves.

The so-called Web 2.0 encompasses the back and front end of websites. However, to the average users, the changes are most evident on what they actually see and use on the websites that they visit.

For example, for Ajax-based applications, what they see are the updating of data on the page without actually refreshing the entire page, which was the technique before.

Web 2.0 has made it possible to create a desktop environment to websites. For example, users of the past can only type their documents on their computers and were only able to share them to others by sending it through e-mail.

But with Web 2.0, users can now create their documents on websites which offer that service and are able to share them to others by merely adding the e-mail addresses of their friends. Such is the case with Google Documents, formerly known as Writely, until Google acquired the company.

All in all, Web 2.0 has further enriched the internet by letting people collaborate, making the web into a true
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