Rainy Day Activities



Planning for rainy day craft activities does not have to be complicated or even expensive. Children can do the most creative things with the most innocuous items and you can help them make things on the cheap. All it takes for you to be able to do this is a little ingenuity and some planning ahead.

Finger Painting
There‟s nothing more exciting to a child than getting themselves all dirty. As parents and caregivers we‟re always telling them to stay clean, to wash their hands and don‟t touch. Now you‟re going to give them the opportunity to touch and to get dirty and to play!
You‟ll need some water soluble finger paints. They come in all colors and they‟re so much fun! Whether from a squeeze bottle or a jar—dipping their little fingers into the wet muck gives them tactile sensations and a creative outlet.
You‟ll need paper and paints. Also, it would be a good idea to have the child wear old clothing or an apron to keep the paint from their clothing.
These are just a few ideas to get you started on making some exciting memories with your children—as well as keeping their little imaginations active during dull and rainy days...

Sock Puppets
Making a sock puppet:
Socks, all kinds and colors
Glue gun
Googly eyes
No one can resist a sock puppet. Use any kind of sock—the more colorful the better. Using a glue gun, attach yarn hair, maybe even a yarn moustache. Stick eyes on, wait till everything is dry and then have a puppet show! Recreate a scene from one of your favorite cartoons. Use a pink sock and make Patrick, a yellow sock to make Sponge Bob.
Using a cardboard box, you can create a stage where your sock puppets can put on plays. With a bit of creativity, you can have hours of fun! 